Our Services

PowerLabs services today span across three core areas:
1. Research 2. Design Services and 3. Intelligent Energy Management Systems




PowerLabs collaborates with academic institutions, consultancies, non profit organisations and more to conduct research into frontier renewable energy technologies, focusing on areas such as:
-Electronics, electrical and related engineering and scientific systems and their applications
- Algorithmic and automated reasoning.
- Hardware development with modelling, optimisation and machine learning.
In addition, we will organise scientific meetings, conferences, trainings, workshops, etc., in furtherance to the core objective of research and development.


Design Services

As part of our mission to create a planet with limitless productivity through intelligent energy, we are open to collaborating with businesses and other ecosystem partners to help them design technologies that are in line with our mission. We collaborate with businesses on designing stationary and mobility energy solutions that are intelligent, sustainable, and financially viable.


Intelligent Energy Management Systems

PowerLabs provides businesses with energy management applications and devices that help them maximise their uptime while reducing levelized cost of energy. This includes services such as:
- Power Availability Insights: Understand your historical power supply patterns, see them change in real-time, and be able to predict events such as outages before they occur.
- Dynamic Sizing Optimization: Determine the most optimal combination of power sources to reduce your total power costs to their lowest levels possible, based on your energy demand per time.
- Automated Dispatch Optimization: Get access to dispatch schedules on how to manually or automatically operate your power sources to minimise your total power costs.

Ready to
unleash growth?

For more information and requests about our services, please contact us on hello@powerlabstech.com

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